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Today was Rebekah's first day of Pre-K. She was so excited to leave this morning. She was disappointed when she learned that Rachel would be dropped off first. She wanted to go first! Included in our tuition is both breakfast and lunch. She could not wait to eat breakfast at school. She did however, want to take her lunch from home. We woke up this morning to rain, so we didn't get to take her pictures outside, like we did for Rachel's.
And did you notice her great new haircut? She has been wanting her hair short for a while now. I think her hair looks better shorter since it is so thin and fine. I think it looks like it has a lot more life to it now. She loves it. She likes to tell everyone that she got her hair cut short. She says, "I got my hair cut short like a girl, not short like a boy!" Too cute...

Is it time to leave yet?

She picked out her new backpack and lunch box. She wanted Hello Kitty for both. She has never really been into Hello Kitty before, so this surprised me a little. She does however love cats, so maybe that is why she was drawn to it.

Is it time to go NOW???? :)

This is Rebekah's cubbie in her classroom. She has a hook to hang her backpack on and a shelf spot for her lunch box. She is standing directly in front of hers and where is her name is.

Here is Rebekah with her teacher, Mrs. Spaulding. For a while before school started, we were working with her to help her remember her new teacher's name. She couldn't say "Spaulding" and instead would say, "Mrs. Bottoms" - Cute again!

Rebekah is with Mrs. Hoover, her teacher's helper in the classroom.

Our very first circle time. Mrs. Spaulding was explaining how they had to be really quiet and sneaky in the hallway when they went to breakfast.

The girl in pink next to Rebekah is Jenna. She is a friend that Rachel and Rebekah met in their gymnastics class. We were excited to know there was a familiar face in her classroom. Rebekah lit up when Jenna got to class this morning. I also found out this morning that two other kids from our old school (Sherwood FBC MDO) are also in Rebekah's class!

Getting in line to go eat breakfast. We had been there for just a little while, probably too long. Rebekah was getting sadder by the minute. She wanted us to go eat breakfast with her and had a really sad, lonely look on her face. We finally said our good-byes and she went on to breakfast. Mrs. Spaulding said she had a great day and that she was very quiet. No surprise there, she is the quiet one!

Well, I'm participating in a Show Us Your Life feature on Kelly's blog.
Today it is wedding reception and honeymoon pictures. We were married almost ten years ago and that was before we went digital. I don't have many wedding/reception/honeymoon photos scanned in. I do have a few and I posted them this past December 4th on our ninth wedding anniversary. Click here to be taken to that post and see the pictures. We did go to Maui on our honeymoon and we are seriously looking into going back this year to celebrate our tenth anniversary! Believe me, if we do go back - I will have TONS and TONS of photos to share. Have a great weekend!!