Here is Jon Paul on our wedding day, isn't he handsome?

I was on there to talk to my best friend who has recently gotten married and moved to Mississippi...honest, I was. In fact, in February that year I purchased my very first computer! Ann and I would chat online every afternoon after I got home from work. I had received messages from several people that I did not know, but I usually ignored them. Then one day, while chatting with Ann, this message came through from a guy named Jon Paul. For whatever reason, I decided to answer.
We talked online for about a month. Towards the end of May, we exchanged phone numbers. He lived about 20 minutes from me at the time. We talked on the phone for a few weeks and then decided to meet in person - on June 14th, 1999. I wanted to meet for lunch, during the week. This way we both are driving there and have to be back at work in an hour. Accountability!!! I had my co-worker and sister waiting with phone in hand, ready to call the police if I didn't come back!!
We met at a Chinese restaurant, I made it back to work (a little late, but that's another blog post!) and I guess as you say, the rest is history. We were both really interested in each other. And from that day on, we saw each other every day, except Tuesdays! I was in school and it met every Tuesday night.
We talked a lot, saw a laser light show on the banks of the Arkansas River, went to a Journey concert and watched the entire show in the pouring down rain, saw many movies, Jon Paul nursed me back to health after emergency surgery (yet again, another blog post!) and fell madly in love with each other. By the end of July, we knew we were meant to be together....forever.
In August, Jon Paul went to my parents and asked for their permission to propose to me. Approval was granted and on September 25th, he took me to climb Pinnacle Mountain. I didn't have a clue, but others did. I made it 7/10ths of the way to the top (Why not the top? Yep, you guessed it, another blog post!), overlooking a spectacular view of the river, Jon Paul asked me to be his wife.
I didn't date much and my parents and sisters will tell you, they knew when I found the "right one" - it would be a fast courtship. And it was. From May to December! We were determined to marry that December and after some trials, we finally set the date, December 4th, 1999. It was truly magical and romantic. Our wedding lasted just under one hour and we stayed at the reception for about an hour and we left to start the honeymoon at 9:00 p.m. :-)
This picture is my favorite of all of our wedding pictures. It was taken with our camera by a friend. We're standing on the steps inside The Capital Hotel. I just love this one!

We spent our first night as husband and wife at The Capital Hotel. (We're going back there this weekend!) And EARLY the next morning, we caught our first of three flights that would eventually take took us to Maui, Hawaii! It was the most perfect and romantic honeymoon a girl could ask for. The island is truly beautiful and exotic. Here are a few photos for you to enjoy, forgive the quality. These are scanned...before we went digital!

Hi Jennifer, Happy Anniversary! Thanks for stopping by and registering for the Christmas tree frame. Hope you had a great weekend on your getaway! Kristen
Happy Anniversary Jennifer! I did not know your story and it so precious! Sounds like God did good!! I am very happy for you and hope you have many, many more anniversaries!!
what a sweet post, thank you for sharing!
Aww, this is a very sweet post! I love your meeting story-I read this a while ago and didn't remember that you were married that soon after meeting; that's how my mom & dad's story is too! (Met July 1st or 2nd, married Dec. 17th) :)
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