Friday, October 3, 2008

Rebekah's Second First Day of School

After much prayer and thought, we decided to move Rebekah to a school here in Cabot. We LOVE her old school. This was the school that Rachel went all the way through and I hoped Bekah could as well. This was the only sad part about our move.

We are about 25 minutes (one way) from her old school. And, with the high price of gasoline, we just thought it would be best to find a school closer to our home. I was also having trouble finding time to work while she was gone. I only had five hours and one of those hours were spent driving!

I called around and one of the best places in town had an opening. We went and toured the facility and felt like it was a great place for her. She started this past Wednesday and will go on Mondays and Wednesdays. And this school is two hours longer than her old one - I should be able to get a lot of my work done now! Here are a few more photos of her first day. She was excited to have a backpack like Sissy (what she calls Rachel) to take to her new school.

We are both going to miss her old school. I loved her teachers, one of which was named Mrs. Cynthia (which is my sister's name) and it was only fitting that her new teacher's name is Mrs. Jennifer! Her first day she found this pink pony and played with it all day. She has talked about it every day since. Here is Ms. Jennifer and Rebekah - doesn't she look happy!?!?

On another note...Rebekah has been off her daily antibiotics for one week. And last night she woke us up throwing up. This is the second time in her life she has ever thrown up. She only did it three times and the last time she made it to the potty! We'll just have to wait and see if this is a taste of what is to come now that she is not taking the antibiotics daily anymore!!

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