Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Another Lost Tooth!!

After many days of her top tooth just dangling,
Rachel finally lost her first top tooth tonight.

She let her Daddy wiggle it loose after we bribed her.
We said if the tooth came out tonight, then Mommy, Daddy
and Nana would match whatever the Tooth Fairy brought.
(The Tooth Fairy left her $2 last time.)
She thought that sounded like a good idea.
She is definitely a snaggle tooth now!
Too cute!
Her other top tooth is also loose,
so she might have both gone here in a few weeks!!

So, what is the going rate for the Tooth Fairy at your house?


Anonymous said...

Nothing like those first grade school pictures when your child has two or three teeth missing in the front! Those pictures are some of my favorites of the boys!

The tooth fairy is fairly generous at your house! The boys only got $1! ...maybe more for the molars! :)

Michelle said...

It was about $2 for me when I was a kid, so I think it will be about that here.